The Company was formed on the principle of operating to high standards of quality and was one of the first in the UK to gain certification to ISO 9002 with BSI (BS 5750) way back in April 1989.
The Company was formed on the principle of operating to high standards of quality and was one of the first in the UK to gain certification to ISO 9002 with BSI (BS 5750) way back in April 1989.
This provides an internationally recognised standard that many of our customers recognise, especially those who are registered themselves. It gives us a sound platform from which to both build and improve the service, which we offer to you. Regular audits provide reassurance to both our customers and ourselves that we are maintaining the high standards we have set and you expect. We are also recognised in the Industry as market leaders in high quality service provision.
Our fully integrated transport computer system ensures continuity throughout our various departments. We can provide our customers with factual data proving our excellent performance on a monthly or quarterly basis. Various custom reports can be created to tailor KPI's to your individual needs; highlighting areas for optimisation.
The CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council) Safety and Quality Assurance Scheme (SQAS) was designed to address any shortfall in the ISO 9002 system by implementing a system dedicated to the Chemical Industry. There are varying “Questionnaires” such as Core, Road Transport Services and Tank Cleaning which are completed on an audit basis by CEFIC trained and registered assessors. The system will look at items not covered in ISO 9002 such as specific training for Chemical (ADR) drivers, environmental protection, fire precautions, hose & tanker maintenance and depot facilities.